About myself


Hi I am a 11 year old boy who lives in New York U.S



Coding image coding image

I enjoy making cool projects when I program I started programing by making projects with scratch but I started doing python when I was in 3rd grade. I dropped it but then I picked it up in 5th grade and I finished the course. I am now learning web development.


Sports image Tennis sports

I enjoy playing and watching sports. I currently play tennis and basketball and I watch basketball, and on occasion American Football.

Video Games

Video Game image minecraft

I play video games a lot. My favorite games are Mario and Minecraft but I like most nintendo games. I recently got a Xbox which I play on a lot.



Europe image Europe Image

I have been to many countries in Europe which I have enjoyed. Most recently I went to the Uk and Belguim. London was my favorite city to go to with so much to do.


Asia image Asia image

I have been to some countries in Asia including India, the Maladives, and Singapour. My favorite country to go to was India becuase I have so much family in India and it was fun seeing them all.

United States

United States image statue of liberty

I live in the United States and I have been to many states in the U.S. My favorite state is Calofornia because it is very nice with a ton to do. I live in New York and it is a great state to live in.